Posted by: aalleman1713 | January 23, 2012

Day 12: Açai

Today, I tried an amazing fruit called açai.  It is a fruit from the amazon forest  that is (supposedly) extremely good for you.  In the south of Brazil (where I am) they serve it a liquid frozen form called Açai na tigela, (just açai in a bowl)  with a variety of different things.  You can eat it with granola, chocolate, fruits, cornflakes, candy, and it is all delicious.   The taste of the açai is like a mild grape, but with other fruits, açai exaggerates the other fruits flavor.  Makes them all taste even sweeter, and amazingly fresh.  It is the best snack I have had in Brazil yet (and could even be considered a meal).  Cannot wait to have more, and more, and more…

Açai with Mangos and Strawberries! mmmmm....

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